Erasmus Barcelona. Mobility students having a good time and hanging out in Bunkers del Carmen at sunset.

Erasmus Barcelona: The Ultimate Guide (2024/25)

Ever dreamt of sipping sangria on a beach while getting credit for your degree? Barcelona Erasmus offers an unforgettable experience, but navigating the city and student life can be tricky.

This ultimate guide will equip you with everything you need to know, from finding accommodation and slaying the nightlife to mastering the local language and embracing the vibrant culture.

Get ready to ditch the stress and maximise the fun! Buckle up and let's dive into all the must-know info for your Barcelona Erasmus adventure!

  1. Universities
  2. Cost of Living
  3. Living in Barcelona
  4. How to Find Housing in Barcelona
  5. Barcelona Culture
  6. Pros and Cons About Erasmus in Barcelona
  7. Conclusions

1. Universities (Level, how many, ...)

Barcelona ranks as 38th best city in the world for students in 2024.

There are 23 listed universities in Barcelona, but the ones that accept the most amount of international students are the best five of the city. Here we propose all you need to know about them.

But before, here are the legal procedures for you to do when applying to one of these universities.

Legal procedures as a EU citizen:
If you stay longer than 3 months, you should apply for the NIE (Número de Identificación de Extranjeros).
Legal procedures as a non-EU citizen:
You must apply for a student visa. Once in Barcelona you will have to apply for a Student Residence Authorization.
If you hold a valid residence permit in another EU country, you don’t need to apply for a new visa to enter into Spain if your residence permit is valid for your whole stay here.

Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB)

Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona - UAB - Best university of Barcelona - erasmus students - exchange semester Barcelona - Erasmus Guide - Barcelona Universities


The Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB), founded in 1968, is currently the highest-ranked university in Barcelona according to the 2024 QS World University Rankings (it came in at 149th globally). With a strong international focus, UAB is committed to student and faculty exchange, collaboration with institutions worldwide, and attracting talented individuals.

UAB offers a comprehensive selection of academic programs across various fields of study. You can choose from over 100 undergraduate degrees (Bachelor's), more than 550 postgraduate programs (including official Master's degrees, diplomas, and other options), and nearly 90 PhD programs.

The only problem with this university is its location. It can take up to one hour with public transportation to get there from the center of Barcelona.

Minimum GPA: There is no minimum GPA required.
Language requirements:

  • Recommended at least level B2 in the language of the course.
  • The B2 level is required at the faculty of Economics and Business and at the Faculty of Political Science and Sociology, but only in the languages of the courses taken. So if you only take courses in english, you only have to certificate english B2 level.
  • The Faculty of Communication requires a B2 level of Spanish. DELE B2 certificate is preferred, others evaluated case-by-case.

You can check all the detailed information on the university's official website, on the page dedicated to Erasmus students and on the FAQs page.

Universitat de Barcelona (UB)

Universitat de Barcelona - UB - Erasmus Barcelona - University Barcelona - Best universities barcelona - admission requirements university barcelona - exchange student - barcelona guide


Founded in 1450, the University of Barcelona is a historic institution with a vibrant international community. Every year, it welcomes over 45,500 students, including more than 7,000 international students from over 122 countries. Here, you can truly make friends from all over the world!

The university experience extends beyond the classroom walls. Its sixteen centers are spread across six campuses, all located within Barcelona itself. This unique integration with the city allows students to easily access all university facilities and immerse themselves in the rich urban life. Barcelona truly becomes your campus.

The University of Barcelona is a leader in research, consistently ranking first in Spain in international research rankings. Its research impact is recognized worldwide, solidifying its position as one of the most prestigious universities globally.

In 2024 it ranks at position 164 worldwide.

Language requirements: It is required to have a B1 as the minimum level necessary of knowledge in at least one of the three languages (Catalan, Spanish or English), depending on the teaching language of the chosen courses.

The official information is displayed on the university's website dedicated to Erasmus students.

Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)

UPF - Universitat Pompeu Fabra - Campus Ciutadella - University Barcelona - Student Exchange - Erasmus Barcelona


Established in 1990, UPF is a younger and less crowded university compared to the University of Barcelona. Despite its recent founding, it's highly competitive, ranking 310th globally. Research is a major focus at UPF, with the goal of transforming education to meet the demands of the future.

UPF offers a wide range of programs across eight academic disciplines:

  • Health and Life Sciences
  • Political and Social Sciences
  • Communication
  • Law
  • Economics and Business
  • Engineering and Information & Communication Technologies
  • Humanities
  • Translation and Language Sciences

These programs are spread across three campuses in Barcelona, catering to a student body of approximately 10,700, with over 1,600 international students.

Language requirements: UPF does not require a language certificate to be an exchange student, but it is recommended to have at least a MCER B1 level of Spanish or a B2 level of English.
There are specific requirements for these faculties:

  • Students attending the Faculty of Translation and Interpretation must take an online placement test, which need to be taken before the enrolment process.
  • Students with internships at the Faculty of Medicine will be required to submit at least a B1 certificate of Spanish.

All the information is displayed on the official UPF website.

Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC)

UPC - Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya - Barcelona Tech - Erasmus Barcelona - Student Exchange - Barcelona Guide


The UPC ranks 354th in the world and is a leading university focused on engineering and technology fields. They offer a wide range of programs in these areas, including:

  • Architecture and Urban Planning
  • Engineering (Aerospace, Agricultural & Biosystems, Civil & Environmental, etc.)
  • Computer Science
  • Applied Sciences (Mathematics, Statistics, Physics, etc.)

UPC prioritizes international collaboration, providing students with numerous opportunities to gain global experience. Here's what they offer:

  • Double Degree Programs: Earn two degrees simultaneously by studying at UPC and one of their 34 partner universities worldwide (56 programs available).
  • Exchange Programs: Spend a semester or year abroad at one of their 716 partner institutions.
  • Large International Community: UPC has a vibrant international student population with over 3,119 students from abroad, making up roughly 13% of the total student body (over 23,600).

For the requirements, please consult the UPC's official webpage.

ESADE Universitat Ramon Llull

ESADE - Universitat Ramon Llull - URL - University Barcelona - Private university Barcelona - Exchange Student - Erasmus Barcelona


Ranked 620th in the world, Ramon Llull University is a private university named after Ramon Llull, a prominent figure in Catalan history. Llull was a man of many talents – a writer, philosopher, and religious figure – and is considered one of the most important intellectuals of the Middle Ages. The university currently has over 17,142 students, including 2,823 international students.

For the requirements, please consult the URL's official website.

2. Cost of living

Cost of living in Barcelona - Budgeting for Erasmus Students - Erasmus Barcelona - Euro - Money - How many euros for Erasmus

Living and studying abroad on an Erasmus program is an amazing experience, but finances can be a concern for students who aren't working. This guide is will show you some tips and tricks to help you stretch your budget and have the best time possible during your Erasmus adventure!

2.1 Average Budget Needs

To not exceed with the expenses is good to know how much you are going to spend more or less during your stay. That is why it is important to have an idea of the average cost of living for an Erasmus student.

Don't worry, I will include the fun as well!

White Bread (500g) 1.50€
Restaurants (cheap) 20€
Restaurants (average) 35€
Brunch 13€
Average room in shared flat 600€
Average room in student residence 800€
T-Jove 42.70€
Uber 12€ for a ride of 4km in Uber Comfort
Mobile Phone with Calls and 10GB+ Data 17€
Gym membership 33€
Beer (0.33L) 3.50€
Cocktail 10€
Espresso 2€
Normal entry 15€
Discounted entry Free
Cost of organised trips
ESN Ibiza trip 350€
Erasmus Barcelona Morocco trip 300
Cost of sightseeing
Cost of concerts 40-80€

Please keep in mind that some prices can slightly change over time, and that I tailored the expenses to the average Erasmus student activities and lifestyle.

For an Erasmus student in Barcelona that stays for 6 months at a local university, the average expenses come to a total of 750 to 800 per month, excluding rent.

2.2 How to save money during Erasmus in Barcelona

In this beautiful time you don't really want to budget and save money, I know. There are some ways to enjoy while spending less!

One good way to do so, is to avoid touristic places at all cost and look for better, cheaper options. If you need some help finding those places, I got you. During my Erasmus in Barcelona, I carefully selected the best places that were not too expensive but offered the best experiences! I then created a map with those places, that you can use to experience a better exchange semester while helping you save some money.

Barcelona Erasmus map overview

Look for discounts and special offers. For example, for the whole 2023 and 2024, Renfe let's you have a free subscription to travel in Spain!

In the evening, if you want to go clubbing, you can join Shaz List. This is a guest list that allows you to enter for free in the clubs!

if you are searching for activities to do during the day, I will introduce you later in the article to Meetup and to other fun activities that are very cheap or even free.

If you go to the gym, a great way to save money is to workout on the beach! What better way to workout in Barceloneta kissed by the sun?

3. Living in Barcelona

The quality of life of Barcelona is one of the highest of the world. You have friendly local inhabitants, international people from all over the world, a mix of cultures, lots of sun, great food and, last but not least, party every night.

Let's discover some peculiarities of this city and some advices on administrative stuff.

3.1 Language

In Barcelona the official languages are Catalan and Spanish. These two languages are widely used by the locals, especially Catalan. It can be useful to learn at least some words or phrases in these languages, to exchange some words with locals or also just to understand the signs and to appreciate more the culture.

Nonetheless, the most important language for you remains English. As an exchange student, you will meet countless other peers from all over the world, and they all speak English to communicate.

In the streets of Barcelona is very common to hear also Italian, Dutch, French and German, as this is a city that welcomes many cultures, expats and tourists.

3.2 Mobile Phone

Mobile Phone SIM Card for Erasmus Students - Internet connection Barcelona - Calls - Phone data Spain - Exchange student internet - hotspot - wifi - tethering

Internet connection and the ability to call is essential when being abroad, especially if you stay for a long time, as in your case.

There are two main options that I would suggest you for your exchange semester.

The first one is to check with your current operator from home, and see if there is an extension of internet for Spain. This way you don't have to pay separate phone bills, you get the best internet connection, and you keep the same phone number.

As a second option, you can buy a prepaid SIM card from Spain. A good option is the SIM card 'Prepago Plus' from Movistar. It provides you with 40 GB of high speed internet, unlimited calls in Spain, and 200 minutes of calls internationally per month. All of this for 10€ per month.

There are also other SIM cards, like from Vodafone, Orange, Lobster and more.

In order to do that, you might need a NIE. Don't worry, I will explain it in the next section.

3.3 NIE

The NIE, or "Número de Identidad de Extranjero", is an important step to take care of once you arrive. It's basically your Spanish ID number, and if your Erasmus stay is longer than 3 months, you'll likely need one.

The NIE unlocks a bunch of benefits during your time in Barcelona. It allows you to open a bank account, get a phone plan, and might even be required for some part-time jobs or internships. Generally, it's recommended to apply for your NIE as soon as you have your bearings in Barcelona. This helps avoid any last-minute hiccups.

The application process itself involves filling out a form (usually Ex-18 for EU students), providing documents like your passport and enrollment certificate from your host university, and paying a fee. Your host university's international office is a great resource to help you navigate the specifics and ensure you have all the required documents. They can also advise you on how to book an appointment at the immigration office.

3.4 Transportation

Barcelona has a well-developed public transportation system consisting of metro lines, buses, and trams. The metro is the most extensive option, with 12 lines connecting most parts of the city. 

The best option, if you are under 30 years old, is the T-Jove. This young person ticket only costs 42.70€, and it lasts for 4 months. During this time, you will be able to use all the metro and buses as you like.

You can buy this ticket at every metro station in one of the automatic ticket machines. To prove that you are under 30 years of age, you will be required to input your ID or NIE number.

The ticket above does not cover you however for trains. If you want to do longer distance trips, outside of Barcelona, you will have to use Renfe tickets.

In 2023 and 2024 there is a promotion that you could travel for free with Renfe!

You can do this by purchasing a Renfe ticket in one of their machines or ticket shops for 20€. Then, if you completed more than 16 travels, you will get back the money!

3.5 Where to study (libraries and cafes)

After some time in the same university library is good to change it up a little bit. You want to see something new and have a full exchange student experience.

University Libraries

Barcelona being a city with plenty of universities, it offers countless libraries where you can study for free. These libraries are at times historical and very beautiful.

Let's see some of them!

Biblioteca Gabriel García Márquez

Biblioteca Gabriel García Márquez - Libraries Barcelona - Best Places to study barcelona - Erasmus student - university library - beautiful libraries


Starting strong with the best library in the world in 2023. This library's design is impeccable. With many comfortable places and lots of windows, it is a great place to study or read a book.

It is a little bit far away from the center, but with the metro it is easily reachable in 20 minutes from Plaça de Catalunya.

Catalonia Library

Library Catalunya - Barcelona students - Study spot - most beautiful libraries


When you enter the Catalonia library, you enter in an historical building. Founded in 1907, it offers 229 seats, letting you focus and study on your university duties.

The one in the picture above is the main hall, and it is a former hospital building inaugurated in 1940.

UPF Library

UPF library - Erasmus Barcelona - exchange student - best libraries to study barcelona


This library is huge. With two floors and many places to sit, it offers electrical outlets, wi-fi if you are connected to eduroam, and it is very quiet. During the hot days it is a great place to study, because it remains pretty cold on the inside.


If you are searching for cafes, I have already written an article for you where I list the best coffee shops for studying, check it out!

4. How to find housing in Barcelona

Barcelona Neighborhoods Map - Barcelona Districts - Barcelona Map - Erasmus Map - Erasmus Barcelona Guide - Barcelona Quartiers - Erasmus Barcelona - Students Erasmus

Barcelona has a lot of neighborhoods (73 to be exact!), spread across 10 districts. This can make finding the perfect place to live during your exchange a bit overwhelming.

But don't worry! This section will break it down for you. We'll compare different neighbourhoods, helping you find an affordable place close to the sights you want to see, all in a safe area. I'll even recommend some websites to help you with your search.

4.1 Where to live (which neighborhoods are the best)


Eixample Nieghbourhood to live in


Eixample is a fantastic choice for your exchange if you don't mind spending a bit more on rent.

This neighborhood is known for its wide boulevards, elegant architecture, and trendy shops. You'll be well-connected to the rest of the city with its excellent public transportation system.

While it might not be the most budget-friendly option, the upscale atmosphere and central location might be worth the extra cost.

El Raval

El Raval - Erasmus Barcelona


El Raval offers the most affordable apartments in our list. It's a vibrant neighborhood with a multicultural atmosphere, and you'll be close to many attractions.

However, it's important to be aware that El Raval is also the least safe area in Barcelona. Issues like drug use, prostitution, and theft are more common here, so you'll need to be extra cautious.

If you're on a tight budget and streetwise, El Raval might be an option, but for most students, a different neighborhood might be a better fit.

Barri Gòtic

Barri Gotic. A view of the Gothic Quartier, with its ancient buildings and old streets. Perfect place to live if you are looking for an accommodation.


Barri Gòtic, also known as the Gothic Quarter, is right in the heart of Barcelona's historic center. Imagine charming, narrow streets lined with beautiful medieval buildings. It's a fantastic location to soak up the city's history and culture, and you'll be surrounded by iconic landmarks.

The rent here is surprisingly affordable compared to other central areas. However, be prepared for lively nights and thin walls in older buildings. If you're a light sleeper, the constant buzz of the neighborhood might be disruptive.

El Born

View of the El Born neighbourhood. Tourists in the picture are enjoying the sun and the spring of Barcelona.


El Born is a trendy neighborhood known for its hip boutiques, art galleries, and, most importantly for foodies, a seemingly endless selection of incredible restaurants!

This vibrant neighborhood offers a great mix of history and contemporary living, with some stunning architecture from the 18th century. The location is excellent, with easy access to the beach and other attractions.

The only caveat? El Born tends to be a bit more expensive than some other areas.


Gracia Neighbourhood. People walking down the street. Great place to live.


Gràcia is a charming and bohemian neighborhood that offers a taste of authentic Barcelona life. It's known for its lively plazas filled with cafes and terraces, perfect for people-watching and soaking up the sunshine.

Gràcia boasts a strong sense of community and hosts numerous street festivals throughout the year.

While not the cheapest option, the rent tends to be more affordable compared to some areas closer to the center. Keep in mind that Gràcia can get quite lively, especially during weekends, so if you prefer a quieter environment, it might not be the best fit.


Buildings in Sants-Montjuïc. You can see the skyline.


Sants-Montjuïc offers a great alternative for those seeking a balance between affordability and a relaxed atmosphere.

This area is home to Montjuïc, a large hill with stunning panoramic views of the city. You'll find parks, museums, and even a castle to explore here. Sants, the lower part of the neighborhood, has excellent public transportation connections and a more residential vibe.

While it might not be the most central location, the laid-back atmosphere and good value for rent make Sants-Montjuïc an attractive option for many students.

Sant Antoni

Sant antoni quartier. People hanging out and enjoying life.


Sant Antoni is a neighborhood on the rise, perfect for those who enjoy a lively atmosphere. This area is known for its bustling market selling everything from fresh produce to vintage clothing. There's always something happening here, with street performers, musicians, and locals enjoying the sunshine.

The rent is more manageable compared to the rest of Eixample, offering a good balance between affordability and a vibrant community. Sant Antoni boasts excellent connections, with Plaça Espanya and Plaça Catalunya just a short distance away, making it easy to explore the rest of the city.


Poblenou Barcelona - Street with people - Great place to live - Erasmus Maps - Erasmus Barcelona


Poblenou is a haven for innovation and modern living. This formerly industrial area has transformed into a trendy neighborhood with art galleries, design studios, and innovative startups.

If you're looking for a beach lifestyle, Poblenou is an excellent choice, with the beautiful beaches of Barcelona just a stone's throw away. However, be prepared for some challenges when searching for an apartment, as this popular area can be quite competitive.

4.2 Websites to find a cheap apartment

Erasmusu: This platform offers student-focused housing, often at cheaper prices. They list properties from Spotahome, but you can't contact landlords directly before booking.

Idealista: This is a popular general accommodation website. You can find a variety of rooms and apartments here, including budget-friendly options in Barcelona. Be aware of potential scams, as with any general listing site.

Erasmusplay: Another platform dedicated to student housing, Erasmusplay allows you to compare options from various websites.

Universities: Many times in the "international" section of the university's website, there are some student residences where you can find entire buildings with only students. These residences are very well done and allow you to make a lot of new friends. They are a little bit expensive, but if you can afford it, it is definitely a great choice!

5. Barcelona culture

Barcelona is a city that explodes with culture.

It seems made for the Erasmus experience.

With Catalan kitchen, Spanish kitchen, the best ranked bars of the world, beaches and never ending nightlife, this city has a lot to offer.

So much that it can sometimes be difficult to navigate and find the best spots to eat or hang out. But don't worry, I will guide you through the best places!

5.1 Typical Catalan Food and Restaurants

Catalan kitchen is not as renowned as other famous ones like the Spanish one or the Italian one.

However, it exists, and it can reveal to you interesting things about the history and culture of Catalonia.

Let's see a short list of places where you can try it!

Can Ros

Black Paella Can Ros - Catalan Kitchen - Catalan Cuisine in Barcelona - Erasmus Maps - Erasmus Barcelona

At this modern restaurant with a rich history dating back to 1908, you can savor the finest variations of Catalan paella, tapas, and appetizers. The staff is exceptionally friendly, and the ambiance is inviting. You can gauge the quality of this establishment by the fact that many of their patrons are Catalans themselves!

🥂 Remember to either make a reservation or arrive early to secure a spot.

La Pubilla

La Pubilla - Catalan Cuisine - Restaurant in Barcelona

This restaurant is truly unique. Firstly, the menu is exclusively in Catalan, without any English or Spanish translations, a clear sign that it's cherished by the locals.

Secondly, the chef here is exceptionally skilled, and the Catalan cuisine offerings are of top-notch quality.

Lastly, the name 'Pubilla' carries historical significance, referring to the eldest daughter who traditionally inherited the family estate or business when there were no male heirs.

Feel free to enjoy the bragging rights at the dinner table with your friends 😉.

Can Culleretes

Can Culleteres - Oldest restaurant in Barcelona - Second oldest restaurant in Spain

This is the oldest restaurant of Barcelona and the second oldest in Spain! To last this long is a true statement of quality.

Enjoy the traditional food that the real Catalan people used to eat since 1786.

Many the celebrities that ate in this place. And for one night, you can be like them!

5.2 Bar culture in Barcelona

Barcelona is one of the best exponents of the cocktail culture worldwide, with 3 bars ranking in the top ten in the world. Needless to say, there is a huge variety of bars, for every taste.

Go to my map to see all the best bars of Barcelona directly on your phone in Google Maps.

Some of the bars that are perfect for Erasmus students are the following.

Ovella Negra Marina

Ovella Negra Marina - Bars Barcelona - Erasmus Maps - Erasmus Barcelona - Erasmus Bars - Students meeting Barcelona

There are two ‘Ovella Negra’. This one is the biggest and newest of the two. This one is very popular among young people and Erasmus students. Drinks are cheap and you can drink in quantity. If you are a football fan, they have big screens and the vibe si unmatched. Pool and foosball are available as well.

Even tho the place is huge, it can be difficult to find a place to sit down due to the many people visiting.

Mr Robinson

Mr Robinson Bar Barcelona - Erasmus Barcelona - Cocktail bar Barcelona - Top bars for Erasmus students in Barcelona

Where will you travel tonight? Brazil, Jamaica, Peru? Choose between various tasty cocktails inspired by the fruits and flavours of exotic countries!

Enjoy these cocktails with the company of other travellers and dancing on the notes of salsa, Afro or Caribbean songs.

You can also eat very good food here :)


Belushi's sports bar Barcelona - Best bars for Erasmus students - Erasmus Barcelona

Is there a football match to see? This is the place to be. With multiple screens and multiple matches at once, you can focus on your favorite team.

On the evening there can be beer pong tournaments, or you can play pool and foosball.
Food is great and drinks too!

This place gets really crowded almost every evening, especially during important matches, so come early enough to take a seat and not have to wait in line :)

🤑 If you are an Erasmus student you can download the app Studentify to get discount on food and beverages!

Bobby's Free

Bobby's Free Speakeasy Barcelona - Best Speakeasy Barcelona - Erasmus Barcelona

It's just a regular barber shop... or is it?

Immerse yourself in the secrecy of this Barcelona speakeasy with its prohibition-era style and themed cocktails.

🤫 You might want to check their Instagram for the entrance password. 🤫

5.3 Party and Nightlife

If you chose this destination based on the nightlife... well you chose very well!

Barcelona is famous for its diverse clubs and parties. There isn't a day in the week where you cannot party. Every day you can go out and choose from the many options. From the biggest clubs to the tiny music pubs.

Let's see a quick overview. For a more comprehensive guide with places suggestions, you can check my map, or subscribe to my newsletter for when I will write a complete blog post on this subject!

Not only clubs and pubs are great to party in Barcelona, but also open airs and events!

Examples? Sure!

Sound It

Sound It Barcelona - Party in a torero place - fiesta en la monumental


A party in Plaza Monumental bullring?? Sign me up!

What better than this to get a real Erasmus in Spain experience. Here you get to party in an historical place, with Spanish people, and where only good vibes are allowed.

This is one of the locations where Sound It organisers like to throw their events, but they have more, make sure to check them out to see where they are headed next.

The music is usually house, techno or similar.

Brunch BCN

Brunch BCN - Brunch Elektronik - Brunch Electronic Barcelona - Erasmus Barcelona


With stars like Boris Brejcha, Deborah De Luca and Vintage Culture, Brunch BCN is sure to be a hit.

Cutting-edge electronic music, live bands, a wide variety of food trucks with vegan and vegetarian options, and a market to promote local commerce. And all this, in front of the sea and in emblematic places of Barcelona.

Boat Party

Boat party Barcelona


This is also an option! Boat parties can be a great way to experience Barcelona from the sea. Usually a more touristic attraction, but still a possibility for a diverse experience.

6. Pros and Cons about Erasmus in Barcelona

6.1 Pros

✅ Many options for universities to choose from, and most of them have a strong international vocation. This means that it will be easy for you to apply and to find yourself welcomed.

✅ Spanish culture is great, with a high quality of life.

✅ Many leisure activities, from sightseeing, trips and parties.

✅ Barcelona is a mix of city, sea, and nature.

6.2 Cons

❌ Universities are great, but they are not at the level of other renowned destinations like London, Zurich, or USA.

❌ Be aware of pickpockets.


Barcelona is a city that can offer unforgettable experiences. From a solid academic standpoint, to an overall experience with fun and activities.

If you choose to go to this city for your Erasmus, you will have an amazing time!

You will make a lot of new friends from all over the world easily, enjoy the laid back Spanish culture, and come back home with a luggage full of beautiful memories.

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